Frequently Asked Questions
What is the SummerCart64?
SummerCart64 is a device that lets you develop and test games on the N64 console. It is a similar device to the 64drive, or EverDrive-64 X7. Its main strenghts are fast I/O, developer oriented features, full 64DD emulation and being fully open source.
Is this flashcart for game developers only, or for anyone?
SummerCart64 started its life as a device to aid game development and testing on a real N64 console. Over time scope of the project has expanded and currently it's a great choice for casual gamers and people interested in tinkering with the N64.
Where can I get SummerCart64?
For latest information check the Where to buy section on the home page.
Which SD cards are supported? Should I format the card in a specific way?
SummerCart64 currently supports cards up to 2 TB in size. Supported filesystems are FAT32 and exFAT. Card can be formatted with any tool but it's recommended to use builtin tools available in your system - for Windows OS just right click on the SD card drive and select Format option. For other OS refer to the system's included help.
I don't care about developer features and just want to play games. How do I setup the SD card?
All necessary information about installing menu and preparing SD card is available on the N64FlashcartMenu official website.
SummerCart64 won't boot and it blinks once every second. What's happening?
Due to technical reasons N64 region lockout can be bypassed only after detecting if the current boot failed. To fix this just power off the console, and then power it on again. If the issue persist then check the next question.
Why is there a battery on the board? Do I need it?
Yes, battery is required for full operation. Battery keeps the time and persistent settings. This includes last detected console region. If your console region is PAL and SummerCart64 doesn't boot while LED is blinking once every second then try inserting a battery into the holder.
Which battery model do I need?
Just a standard CR2032 button cell battery.
Do I need an Expansion Pak?
It depends. A common misconception is that the flashcart is able to expand N64 memory. This is technically not possible. The SummerCart64 on its own do not require an Expansion Pak to work. However, for some retail games the Expansion Pak is mandatory to even run the game. Cheat support and most ROM hacks are also dependent on the Expansion Pak.
I've tried to play a ROM hack / homebrew and it doesn't work. Why?
Most of the ROM hacks available for the N64 absolutely require an Expansion Pak to be installed in the console. If the screen stays black after loading the game then either you don't have an Expansion Pak, or the ROM hack is not console compatible. Always verify if the game you're trying to run is designed to run on real hardware, and not just in an emulator.
Can SummerCart64 replace a Controller Pak / Transfer Pak / Rumble Pak?
No. SummerCart64 (and any other thing that is plugged in the cartridge slot) can't replace a device that plugs in the bottom slot of the controller.
Do I need to press the reset button to save the game progress?
No. SummerCart64 watches the console activity and automatically writes save data to the SD card while you play the game. Automatic writeback happens about 1 second after game finishes saving the progress.
Where do I get games to play?
You can check entries from the N64brew game jams. There are plenty of gems to try out!
How can I update firmware?
Instructions are available in the official documentation.
can't find my cart, why?
On Windows OS please check if you have latest FTDI drivers installed, either through Windows Update or directly from chip manufacturer's website. On Linux OS check if you have proper permissions to the USB device.
Can I use software other than sc64deployer
Yes. UNFLoader is also supported.
Real time clock is not keeping the time, what's wrong?
Make sure that the battery is installed in the correct orientation. Don't forget to peel all protective plastic stickers from the battery before installation.
What is the purpose for button on the back?
It has several uses:
- To eject/swap 64DD disks - when there are multiple virtual 64DD disks "inserted".
- To run the built-in test ROM - hold the button while switching the power on.
- For game developers as additional input.
Can I access files on the microSD card via USB port on the PC?
Yes. sc64deployer
has a sd
command to access files on the SD card.
Does SummerCart64 come with a warranty?
As a DIY product and an open-source project, The SummerCart64 (design/software and any other asset contained as part of this project) have no warranty or liability whatsoever. For any product that is distributed from an online or retail store, please seek warranty and/or help (as required by your country law) from them, not from the developers of the SummerCart64 project.
I bought SummerCart64 from XXX store. It doesn't work or there are weird problems. What should I do?
Always contact the seller you've bought the device to resolve the issues. Developers and community are not responsible for low quality hardware and lack of quality control.